Friday, January 25, 2013

Louis's Day 2!

This morning Louis woke up at 7:10! He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and got ready for school! In school he greeted his girlfriend Elanor and his favorite aunt Elena! Here is a picture of his breakfast!
Louis breakfast!

Then for lunch at exactly 11:57 Louis had lunch with his girlfriend Eleanor and his best friend Clare. Here is a picture!
Louis eating lunch!
Louis with his girlfriend and best friend!

This afternoon Louis came over to Claire's house. (Hannah's egg) They are doing lots of things for fun and more pictures will be coming soon! Here is him and Claire having a fun meal in bed!
Claire and Louis having lunch in bed!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Louis First Day!

Today in class we got our baby's! My partner Alfie and I named our baby Louis Chuck Tomlinson. Here is a picture of our baby!
Basic Information about him:
Name: Louis
Middle Name: Chuck
Last Name: Tomlinson
Sex: Male
Birth Date: 1/24/2013 12:01 P.M.
Nationality: British

Louis is not even a day old but he eats many things already. Today at priceslly 3:48 P.M. he had his afternoon meal which consisted of apples and oranges. He enjoyed his meal very much.
Louis having his afternoon snack!
He is now set until about 6 o'clock which is when I will prepare dinner for him. His bed time it at priceslly 7:30 P.M. and before that he will be taking a nice hot, bubbly bath. Louis also has his own bed, and a 'carriage' for school. This is his school carriage.
Louis school carriage!

Louis playing play station 3!
At exactly 5:46 Louis had his dinner which consisted of a cherry tomato, some apple pie and water. He was satisfied and is now gone to play some golf on play station. He also Skype his girlfriend Eleanor Rose Payne (Elena's egg). 
Louis eating dinner! =)